Damn shame if this place goes to waste.

So here I am, let’s continue. It’s been a long time but I wasn’t trying to hide or run away, it’s just that sometimes thoughts can be paralyzing. So let me try again.

I miss you today. Terribly. I just felt it now and I really think it’s the shampoo. We dropped by the grocery store 2 days ago and picked up some things.  You were there for shampoo, I decided to try your brand and now I smell of you.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m drawn to your scent, anyone of those that you use, that you exude. I don’t want it on me because I don’t want to get used to it. Same reason why we don’t do the same things over and over. I don’t want to gamble with the dangers of having you in my pocket, easily accessible. I don’t want the longing to end. It’s no fun longing for you but I’ll take the feeling over slowly taking your presence for granted. I don’t ever want you in my pocket. I like you free, I like you as you.

I know you said I should write about our conversation earlier. I can’t remember much of the conversation we had but when I try to recall all I can remember is your face, how you lazed in your bed, the calm in your eyes, how you smile and laugh hysterically. It’s your gestures that I pick up and you’re like a muted video clip that’s playing in my head right now. And you think that I’m impenetrable.

You are right, we are good at moments.


How could something good be slowly ripped to shreds by so much thinking? I could barely wrap my head around it. It’s not like we can go straight back to the beginning where things were simpler. I don’t even understand when things started getting complicated.

Can’t we just sit at a cafe and talk and appreciate each other like that? Or do you have to put so much meaning in the wanting of just a talk? Who knows, you might have even put so much meaning in this entry too.

Sometimes we say things because we want to let go of the burden and share it. We do that because sometimes, you just want someone to talk to about it. You just want someone to listen. It doesn’t mean things should change, nor does it mean that it should have so much unnecessary meaning and thought into it. Sometimes it’s, well, sometimes you’re just saying, and there’s nothing else to it, you know?

But then over thinking clouds everything else, and this wonderful thing gets stabbed in the chest again. I wonder if this goes on, will there be any more chest left to stab on?

We can’t ever seem to be on solid ground long enough to appreciate it. I voice out how I feel (because I’m highly emotional, I can do nothing else but feel no matter how hard I try not to) because it becomes heavy in my heart, and yet my heart becomes heavier because you- your inconsistency is worse than a confused person’s indecisiveness. And you’re the one who’s supposedly got what she feels all figured out.

I don’t know anymore.
All this push and pull? Where to?

Please don’t think too much about this again. As I said, I’m just saying. I hope all is well.



I know you’re going through a lot and I can only do so much for you at this point. No amount of advice will go through if you do not know what you want. No amount of calming down will do if you do not know how to vent your frustrations. As promised, I’ll help you get through this, if you want. If it’s what you need.

I want you to know that people will never stop talking about you, they will never hesitate to bring you down. For what reasons? no one goddamn knows but they’ll come at you anyway. Your nape tattoo – know thy self. That will get you through a lot of shit. I’m telling you this because I won’t always be here for you, no one can always be there for you. That’s reality. This is one of the scary things that awaits you on the other side of romanticism. You have to know yourself, and when you do, things will get easier. That no amount of trash talking, no amount of judgement will make you this sad again.

I’m saying this because I’ve been there. It’s not always easy to know what you want, we are as fickle as everyone else. But if you can find in it you to walk straight into the things that you want, nothing can stop you.

Walk tall, love.


You say you think we won’t end up together. We’ll end as very good friends, if any at all.

Truthfully, I can’t see as far out into that part of the future either, but didn’t we agree that we live in the moments? Thick as thieves, cheats, liars, and a thief, we’re alive in moments and what everyone doesn’t know is that we could create plenty of moments! Limitless, multitudes-

We’ll never have to bear through those exceedingly long nothingness that relationships have. No, I also wonder if that’s good or bad.

I picture this as one of those affairs that’s film/book worthy. That one person you met at Paris, that you loved in Paris, and left in Paris. That one person you met while on the road, all through different states, but never bring home. You’re my best affair, the most note-worthy affair, the type that comes out as a great story lifted from my diaries only after I am dead.

“The extracted entries from XXXX XXXX’s journal. c. 2012-20xx”


Why am I writing this anyway?

I just wanted to say that I appreciate you, love, I appreciate you a lot. So much pure gratitude – thanks – for who you are to me, for how willingly you are being who you are for me. I am glad that I know you- have you, no matter how limiting we can indulge in that word- have.

(Yes, I know I have you only because you let me. Yes love, I know that.)

I am humbled (strong words! simply because it is truth) that the Universe allowed me to know you, that somehow I think– I think it is better that we don’t become lovers only because, as all things end- and by love most things end as swiftly as they began, I do not want to know a day when I wouldn’t have you.

Truth. No, not half-truth, but pure Truth.


They say everyone needs that one affair, although not always part of the completed book chapters (usually just found as part of the rare uncut version of anything beautiful at all), that jump starts anyone’s life into something definitely real that only the 2 parties can share.

Well, I think I’ve found it, and this might be it.


I’m looking forward to the 8th. I’m looking forward to what stories I could write out of it.

-Always beautiful words, when it comes to us.

Great stories, and nothing of the least.


And what did I say about my Dark?

If I were Light, I wouldn’t have realized half as much as I do now. There is goodness, after all.


Get well soon, love. My thoughts are with you.


Prose: Vanilla by Lourd de Veyra


To think of you is to lose the self in the orange music of the afternoon
In the mindzone between sleep and smoke
Between dream and scream of the dayscape elegantly stretched outside the window
You reek of poetry: all pleasure and pain mingling
With the scent of ash, warm beer and moonlight.
Rain refuses to leave memory,
The way damp neon refuses to evaporate from the streets

I remember this scene: us, walking through a Malate caught between loneliness and inebriation
You and that smell.

Making their way into my head.
Slow, like a cigarette burning through a plastic cup,
Warm and gentle, at the same time brutal,
Soothing jangled nerves, shooting rhythms of delight,
Spasms of lust, dream-dusted and slathered in nightmares,
Like a smooth white curved neck suddenly wounded
By jagged fragments of guilt
From a broken mirror reflecting the opaque silhouettes of the past.

Malate is full of lonely people.
Strange how isolation can still slip in even in the company of a hundred people.
The techno beats precede the solemn solitariness
Waiting on a filthy gutter like a bum.
Your scent radiating gently into the night, softly threatening sin.
The drizzle bring our bodies closer.

We wait and wait for that taxicab that would never seem to arrive.
And we do not care.


I am in an antiseptic white room with only your scent as companion.
The first few minutes stare at me like a stranger.
The silence between us is brutal,
Glissando of a knife’s song cutting through the air.
Vast stretches of worldless moments pass. Unease.
Sweet tension hanging like a plant blooming with bloodied flowers,
Ants crawling over its young, sugary petals,
Its green stems stiff as a cock in the morning.
The the silence and your scent fuse
Into a form slowly lost among the shadowy whiteness of the walls.
I run my hands across the walls.
I could feel anything. Only smooth nothingness
That I have loved and left. And loved.


Last night your scent slipped into my room.
I was dreaming about a thousand naked women
Until it roused me from my sleep.

It came like a dry, violent wind,
Burning up the stillness in petrol haze of lust,
The bedsheets and pillows tossed and tumbled,
Consumed slowly by the fearful incandescence.

Until every atom in the room danced to a fervid fandango.


I was in a Parisian cafe drinking my first cup of solitude,
Bitter and hot
Until that scent jolted me back into reality
Imperially blacker than any milkless espresso.
Out of the blur of memory
It came rushing like a confusion of pigeons.

Delirious with happiness and drunk with isolation
I thought I saw you out there,
Walking among the people hurrying to escape the barbaric chill.
My eyes scanned the drizzly nightscape.
In vain, I rushed after you.

Maybe you vanished into the metro stations,
Lost in the wet streets, or perhaps sitting inconspicuously
On a bench, somewhere in a park where shadows loom larger than trees.
Blacker than leather.

Isn’t this the city of lights? I complained to myself.
I walked back to the hotel, listless and freezing.
Perhaps lost as well, trailing only the reflection
Of the ice-burning moon.


After the two fat joints I was smashed like hell
And a cruel thing happened: the smoke began smelling,
Of all things, like you.
That scent again,
Made more offensive by your absence.

It covered my nostrils, my throat, my lungs.
It burned my eyes.

That scent again,
Ricocheting like a bullet
Inside my skull.


Yours was the scent that saved the world.

Ten million children were dying of starvation.
Their bodies bloated, ribs exposed, eyes absurdly circular.
The stench of death attracted flies.

Across their houses was a valley where the rice and the corn were drying up,
The heat hovered above their lives like a razor.
Their fathers and mothers were murdered by reality
In the forms of machetes and religion.

The cattle plagued. Everyday the armed ones came
And raped the women, beat up the boys,
Looted the money boxes.
The town’s hunger violated more than just the stomach.

Until one day, your scent arrived.

It came dream-like with the rain.
Odor of life bringing greenness to the fields once more.
Flowers danced on the meadows,
The grass tremulous and grateful.
And sunlight became a gentle balm
On the skin of ten thousand children.

At nights they thanked the skies.
People played strange song with ancient drums,
Danced around bonfires, in a fervid trance, chanting prayers
In your honor they slaughtered cows,
The blood creeping across the soil.
Brighter than moonlight.


I knew it was your scent orbiting the jazz saxophonist’s head
Fragrant death! Perfumed love!
The melodies
running through his horn —
macabre and beautiful
f–ng awesom f–ng awesome

notes race across the veins
faster than a syringe blast of heroin
Fragrant death! Perfumed love!

the blues are bitchin’
but they ain’t blues at all

They ain’t because of the soul that breathes into the reeds
Ain’t his
Fragrant death! Perfumed love!
God is a panic of neon on the ceiling above.


vanilla n., pl 1. Any of a group of climbing orchids found in tropical America,
a species that yields the vanilla bean, used in making vanilla extract;
2. the flavoring extract is used in candy, ice cream, perfumes, etc. 3. The scent
of madness and sin


Vanilla Caramels

2 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. light Karo syrup
1 c. cream
1 c. milk
_ c. butter or margarine
dash of salt
1 c. chopped walnuts or pecans
1 tsp. your scent

Mix sugar, Karo, cream, milk, and butter or margarine in deep saucepan. Cook
over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cook to 248 degrees, remove from heat; let
stand 15 minutes. Add salt and nuts. And then your scent. Let stand over-
night. Turn out on board and cut into squares.

Eat with famished lover. Dim the lights. Play romantic music. Make slow love

(for Anna)

Poetry: In Absentia by Sid Gomez Hildawa

(PS Aaah, love, this is one of my most favorite poems of all time. I copped this off my Lit Elective class in college. The writer is Filipino!)

The sadness within these walls is the quiet
sadness of space itself; invisible, inescapable.
And hollow, like a forgotten well I’d like to fill up
with flood waters, lava, or quick-drying cement.
Departures are never as swift as the flick of a light
switch, or as definitive as the collapse into dust
cloud and rubble of a tall building under engineered
blasts of planted dynamite. You walk out in particles,

leaving granulated good-byes like very fine sand. I’m
sure some remnant of your reflection is still around,
bouncing off yet another conniving surface. Like once,

stepping out of the shower towel-drying my hair,
I caught the elongated image of your tanned body
mirrored by the metal door frame’s shiny handle. So
you’re still within these walls, zipping in perpetual
motion, an amorphous mass of energized atoms in some
theoretical physics equation where the effect of
friction is suspended. You’re still here, though
not as I would have it: seated on the bed, your back
against last night’s pillows, your arm outstretched,
pointing the remote control at a flickering screen.
You’re here in fragments. I gather your presence
with each sweeping of the floor, the way a poem
remembers its former drafts, collecting dead skin
cells of former selves.

Poetry: Lit (or: to the scientist I am not speaking to any more) by Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz

Lit (or: to the scientist I am not speaking to any more)

Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz


Don’t say you didn’t see this coming, Jason.


Don’t say you didn’t realize this would be my reaction

and that you never intended for me to get all worked up,

because if that were true, then you are dumber

than Lenny from Mice and Men, blinder than Oedipus

and Tierus put together and can feel less

than a Dalton Trumbo character.


You put the Dick in Dickens and the Boo in kowski

and are more Coward-ly then Noël.

But you don’t understand any of these references,

Do you, Jason? Because you ‘don’t read’.

You are a geology major and you once told me

That, ‘Scientists don’t read popular literature,

Cristin, we have more important things to do’.


Well, fuck you.


Be glad you don’t read, Jason,

because maybe you won’t understand this

as I scream it to you on your front lawn,

on Christmas Day, brandishing three hypodermic needles,

a ginsu knife and a letter of permission

from Bret Easton Ellis.


Jason, you are more absurd than Ionesco.

You are more abstract than Joyce,

more inconsistent than Agatha Christie

and more Satanic than Rushdie’s verses.



I can’t believe I used to want to Sappho you, Jason.

I used to want to Pablo Neruda you,

to Anaïs Nin And Henry Miller you. I used to want

to be O for you, to blow for you in ways

that even Odysseus’ sails couldn’t handle.

But self-imposed illiteracy isn’t a turn-on.


You used to make fun of me being a writer,

saying ‘Scientists cure diseases,

what do writers do?’


But of course, you wouldn’t understand, Jason.

I mean, have you ever gotten an inner thirsting

for Zora Neale Hurston?

Or heard angels herald for you

to read F Scott Fitzgerald?

Have you ever had a beat attack for Jack Kerouac?

The only Morrison you know is Jim, and you think

you’re the noble one?


Go Plath yourself.


Your heart is so dark, that even Joseph Conrad

couldn’t see it, and it is so buried under bullshit

that even Poe’s cops couldn’t hear it.


Your mind is as empty as the libraries in Fahrenheit 451.

Your mind is as empty as Silas Marner’s coffers.

Your mind is as empty as Huckleberry Finn’s wallet.


And some people might say that this poem

is just a pretentious exercise

in seeing how many literary references

I can come up with.


And some people might complain that this poem is,

at its core, shallow, expressing the same emotion again,

and again, and again. (I mean, there are only so many times

you can articulate your contempt for Jason,

before people get bored.)


But you know what, Jason? Those people would be wrong.


Because this is not the poem I am writing to express

my hatred for you.


This poem is the poem I am writing because we aren’t speaking,

and it is making my heart hurt so bad, it is all I

can do just to get up off the floor sometimes.


And this is the poem I am writing instead of writing

the ‘I miss having breakfast with you’ poem, instead of

writing the ‘Let’s walk dogs in our old schoolyard

again’ poem.


Instead of the ‘How are you doing?’ poem, the ‘I miss you’ poem,

the ‘I wish I was making fun of how much you like Garth

Brooks while sitting in front of your parents’ house

in your jeep’ poem, instead of the ‘Holidays are coming around

and you know what that means: SUICIDE!’ poem.


I am writing this so that I can stop wanting to write

the ‘I could fall in love with you again so quickly

if only you would say one more word to me’ poem.


But I am tired of loving you, Jason

cause you don’t love me right.


And if some pretentious-ass poem can stop me

From thinking about the way your laugh sounds,

about the way your skin feels in the rain,

about how I would rather be miserable with you,

then happy with anyone else in the world.


If some pretentious-ass poem can do all that?

Then I am gone with the wind, I am on the road,

I have flown over the fucking cuckoo’s nest,

I am gone, I am gone, I am gone.


I am.